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You can make an impact in the fight for reproductive freedom.

Planned Giving: Create a Legacy

By making a planned gift, you can support Catholics for Choice today — and build a future of reproductive freedom for generations to come.

Whether you are Catholic, formerly Catholic, or a co-conspirator, the bishops’ dangerous religious overreach impacts everyone. Your planned gift can counter right-wing Catholic extremism for decades to come.

For 50 years, Catholics for Choice has encountered, educated, and emboldened the majority of Catholics and people of faith who support abortion access. We know the well-funded, religious, anti-choice movement spent 50 years working to overturn Roe v. Wade, and the fight for reproductive rights, health, and justice is far from over. At this critical time in our movement, Catholics for Choice is needed now more than ever.

Looking to make a lasting impact? Interested in achieving tax relief? Want to preserve your assets for the next generation? Planned gifts serve as a powerful present-day commitment to the long-term future of Catholics for Choice. Tell the church hierarchy and their right-wing Catholic allies that pro-choice Catholics are not going anywhere by making a planned gift today.

Planned Giving Interest Form

Ways to Create a Legacy that Honors Pro-Choice Catholicism

There are many planned giving options, but the best option for you will depend on your circumstances. We encourage you to speak with your attorney or financial planner to determine what makes the most sense for you and your family.

Catholics for Choice accepts many different kinds of planned gifts, including the following:

Include Catholics for Choice in your will.

Charitable bequests are simple, flexible and can offer benefits of tax relief. You don’t have to rewrite your will: You can easily add Catholics for Choice to your existing will through an appendix or codicil. The language in your will might read as follows:

I give to Catholics for Choice, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization currently headquartered in Washington, D.C. [EIN # 52-1154418], or its successor thereto, _________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] to serve its mission where it is needed most.

Designate Catholics for Choice as a beneficiary in your retirement plan.

Retirement plans are a highly taxed asset when transferred to heirs. Naming Catholics for Choice as a beneficiary will pass your assets tax-free to Catholics for Choice, allowing you to fulfill your charitable objectives and preserve more of your estate’s value for your heirs.

Give the gift of a fully paid life insurance policy.

By including Catholics for Choice as a beneficiary, you can turn your premium payments and a benefit your heirs may no longer need into a lasting legacy.

Whether you’ve already made a planned gift or you’re just beginning to explore the possibilities, we are here to answer any questions you have.

Planned Giving Interest Form

You can also let us know at [email protected].

If we are already in your plans, thank you.

Let us know at the form or email above so we can honor your generosity and commitment.