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Catholics for Choice Hosts Religious Freedom Event at the Newseum

October 17, 2017

Washington, DC-At a time when religious freedom debates are front and center in Washington, Catholics for Choice will host a major public event on the issue on October 16 at the Newseum.

Convened in partnership with the Newseum’s Religious Freedom Center and Spiked magazine, “Church and State: How Separate Should They Be?” will feature thought leaders across the political spectrum to debate the stress points of religious freedom in America.

With free debate in short supply, this event will provide a unique space to unpack tough questions around religious freedom and civil liberties. Speakers will engage hot topics—such as whether President Trump’s broad exemptions to the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate protect religious freedom or discriminate against women, or whether a faith-based organization should be able to deny adoption services to a same sex couple.

This event is on the record and open to the press. It will be livestreamed by ABC, CSPAN and the Newseum.

What: “Church and State: How Separate Should They Be?”

Where:  Newseum
Knight Conference Center
555 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001

When:  Monday, October 16, 2-4pm


  • Brendan O’Neill: editor of Spiked, a columnist for Reason and a writer for The Spectator
  • Wendy Kaminer: author, lawyer and civil libertarian
  • Cynthia Romero: director of communications for Catholics for Choice and editor of its flagship magazine, Conscience
  • Julianna S. Gonen: policy director at the National Center for Lesbian Rights
  • Rosemary Bray McNatt: president of Starr King School for the Ministry
  • Trevor Burrus: research fellow in the Cato Institute’s Center for Constitutional Studies and managing editor of the Cato Supreme Court Review

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Note to editors: Panelists are available for interviews; please contact us at [email protected] to schedule an interview.