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Catholics for Choice Celebrates Florida Supreme Court Affirmation of Issue 4

April 1, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, April 1, 2024
Contact: Ashley Wilson, Strategic Communications Advisor
Phone: 202-294-4081
Email: [email protected]

Catholics for Choice Celebrates Florida Supreme Court Affirmation of Issue 4

WASHINGTON D.C. — Catholics for Choice, which uplifts and amplifies the voices of the majority of Catholics who believe in reproductive freedom, celebrates today’s decision by the Supreme Court that will allow Issue 4, the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion” on the November ballot, but also expresses dismay at the Court’s additional ruling that will allow a six-week ban to go into effect.

Catholics for Choice President Jamie Manson, M.Div., issued the following statement:

“According to the Pew Research Center, 21% of Florida’s population is Catholic, making it one of the largest faith traditions in the state. But the loudest, most vocal opponents of abortion measures such as Florida’s are the Catholic bishops, who spend millions of parishioners’ hard-earned dollars fighting the democratic process.

“We know that Florida’s Catholic bishops and other Catholic-affiliated institutions will use every resource they have to weaponize our faith and fight Issue 4, even if it goes against the best interests of those they serve. I am glad that Florida’s Supreme Court will allow Florida voters to make this decision for themselves, and Catholics for Choice is committed to pushing back against the religious overreach that is sure to happen over the next seven months as the hierarchy tries to defeat this amendment.”

“That said, we cannot ignore the public health crisis that will be unleashed with a six-week ban now in effect. Florida is the second largest provider of abortions in the United States, and this ruling will create untold suffering for Floridians and thousands of patients from surrounding states who travel there for care. We will do everything in our power to organize and mobilize pro-choice Catholics to guarantee access to the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare.”

Gloria Romero-Roses of Miami-Dade County, Treasurer of Catholics for Choice Board of Directors, added:

“I am grateful and relieved that the Florida Supreme Court exhibited the gifts of prudence and wisdom in evaluating the proposed ballot language on its merits and determined Florida voters are entitled to make our own decision on Issue 4 without interference from extremist politicians like the Attorney General. As a Catholic, I support an individual’s right to make conscience-informed decisions on voting, on reproductive healthcare, and in all morally complex situations.  

“As a board member of Catholics for Choice, I know the majority of Catholics support abortion access. Florida’s 21% Catholic population is critical to ensure the passage of the abortion rights amendment Issue 4. Catholics for Choice will continue to support, organize, and embolden our fellow pro-choice Catholics and allies to ensure that we all vote YES on Issue 4 this November.”

Catholics for Choice advocate Olga Granda of Coral Gables also added:

“I am grateful this amendment will go before Florida voters so that we may affirm the importance of keeping decisions regarding the health of thousands of patients in the hands of their doctors and families. As a Floridian, mother, and woman of faith, I believe this protection profoundly celebrates the lives, health, and wellness of our sisters and daughters, who deserve comprehensive healthcare services for generations to come.

“My Catholic faith has taught me that we are empowered to choose to do right and good and avoid sin each and every day — not have those choices restricted for us. It is our obligation as a community to protect that gift of free will. We place our faith in our doctors to make life and death decisions every day, and those regarding reproductive health should be no different.”


Catholics for Choice shapes and advances sexual and reproductive ethics that are based on justice, reflect a commitment to a person’s well-being and respect, and affirm the capacity of all people to make moral decisions about their lives.